
Raúl Berdonés participates in the fifth edition of the TALEÑT Forum

The CEO of the Secuoya Content Group was one of the speakers at this event organized by TRIVU, which brings together key business, political, and social figures from the country 

Raúl Berdonés stated ‘Talent exist, it is among us, and it knows no social classes” 

Raúl Berdonés, the CEO of Secuoya Content Group, was one of the protagonists of the fifth TALEÑT Forum. This event, organized by TRIVU, brings together key business, political, and social figures from Spain. It took place on Thursday, May 16th, at the Teatro Real in Madrid, with a welcome address by the Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, and institutional opening remarks by Diana Morant, Minister of Science, Innovation, and Universities. Berdonés participated in the conference titled ‘Speaking Well of Spain: A Matter of Trust’, where the image of Spain abroad was analyzed, and discussions centered around how to position the country as a global talent reference. 

Moderated by Marta Alarcón, Value Lead at TRIVU, this conferent also featured insights from Diego Rubio, Secretary General of Public Policies, European Affairs, and Strategic Prospects at the Spanish Goverment Presidency; Irene Cano, President of META; Mario Ruiz-Tagle, CEO of Iberdrola; Jordi Saez, President of Clear Channel, and Pedro Pérez-Llorca, Managing Partner at Pérez-Llorca.  

The speakers engaged in a conversation about Spain’s international image and the keys to transforming the country into a global reference. Additionally, they explored the differences between our self-perception as a nation and how we are perceived abroad, delving into the causes of the occasional feeling of inferiority that affects us.  


Raúl Berdonés highlighted the enormous talent that exists in Spain: ‘Without a doubt, we are better. When you travel anywhere in the world and mention that you work in content production, everyone shows interest and open doors for you’. Addionally, the CEO of Secuoya Content Group emphasized Spain’s connection with Spanish-speaking countries: ‘The day we truly believe in this, we Will lead the chage and contribute to a better future, with greater prosperity for all. We have a perfect position to become a global talent reference’. 

Keys to Success

The panelist in the roundtable agreed on the importance of collaboration across different sectors to enhance Spain’s image and transform it into an international talent hub. Similarly, they discussed the necessary actions to boost our self-confidence and national vision, identifying the social, cultural, and economical ingredients that can foster confidence in Spain. 

Berdonés emphasized the need to strengthen the connection between universities and businesses: ‘Talent exists; it is among us and knows no social classes. The link between universities and companies is essential so that everyone can showcase their abilities.’ 

Another highlight of the conversation was the role of the Public Administration, political leaders, and business executives in building a more self-assured society. Strategies were analyzed to position Spain as an international talent center, identifying the areas we need to improve as a society to remain competitive on the global stage. Additionally, the message to present Spain as an attractive and competitive country was defined, and reflections were made on the message that can be conveyed to Spanish society in this new era ahead. 


Secuoya Content Group
Secuoya Content Group