Cookies policy

Registered Office: Gran Vía de Colón 12-3º B, 18010 Granada

Operations Headquarters: Avenida de España 1, 28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid 1.- Concept of Cookies. Cookies are files that are stored on the user’s computer who navigates through the Internet and which, in particular, contains a number that allows the user’s computer to be uniquely identified, even if it changes location or IP address. Cookies are installed during Internet browsing, either by the websites the user visits or by third parties with whom the website is associated, and they allow the site to know their activity on the same site or on others with which it is related, for example: the place from which access is made, the connection time, the device from which access is made (fixed or mobile), the operating system and browser used, the most visited pages, the number of clicks made, and data regarding the user’s behavior on the Internet. The website is accessible without the need for cookies to be activated. 2.- Authorization for the use of cookies. In accordance with the cookie notice that appears at the top, the user or visitor of the same accepts that, by browsing the same, they expressly consent to the use of cookies according to the description detailed below, except to the extent that they have modified the configuration of their browser to reject the use of them. 3.- Types of Cookies used on the Web. The user browsing the web may find cookies inserted directly by the Owner, or cookies inserted by entities different from it, as detailed in the following sections. 3.1.- Strictly necessary cookies inserted by the Owner The web Owner uses strictly necessary cookies that serve to facilitate correct navigation on the website, as well as to ensure that the content of the same is loaded efficiently. These cookies are also session cookies, meaning they are temporary and expire and are automatically deleted when the user closes their browser. 3.2.- Third-party cookies. Below are the details of the entities other than the Owner that use cookies on the Website, as well as the purposes thereof: – Cookies for measuring traffic on the Portals: the Owner uses Google Analytics cookies to collect statistical data on the activity of users on the Website and, thus, be able to improve the services provided to users. These cookies allow analyzing the user traffic generating an anonymous user ID that is used to measure how many times a user visits the Site. It also records when was the first and last time they visited the Web, when a session has ended, and the origin of the user. The following table indicates the cookies that are used on this website:
Cookies Purpose Owner Duration
moove_gdpr_popup Control the display of the cookie banner Grupo Secuoya 1 year
pll_language Session language control Grupo Secuoya 1 year
4.- Browser settings. The Owner reminds its users that the use of cookies may be subject to their acceptance during the installation or update of the browser used by them. This acceptance can be revoked through the content and privacy configuration options available in it. The Owner recommends its users to consult the help of their browser or access the help pages of the main browsers: – Firefox: – Internet Explorer: – Safari: – Opera: – Chrome: