Committed to the audiovisual sector

Through Secuoya Foundation, and in collaboration with Mrs. Green Film, we developed the first sustainable filming manual, a document that provides access to professionals in the sector.

We are a non-profit organization committed to research, dissemination and promotion of activities related to the audiovisual sector

We have a clear objective: to contribute to promoting the Spanish audiovisual industry and its professionals. From a CSR policy defined and oriented towards that objective.


We are committed to financially supporting initiatives and projects.


Promotes meetings, festivals, such as Iberseries and Platino Industria and fairs to generate more opportunities for everyone.


We contribute to the development of educational activities through initiatives such as volunteering, scholarships and study aid in disciplines related to audiovisuals and professional activities.


Secuoya Fundación has developed its own protocol for sustainable filming, based on the most demanding standards worldwide.
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Sustainable production

for sustainable

The standars

The goal of sustainable production is to avoid, reduce and mitigate all significant environmental impacts through the application of sustainable practices.

Green Productions Guide (GPG)

Desarrollado por Production Guild of America, es el referente en Estados Unidos y el más ampliamente utilizado por las plataformas, con algunas actualizaciones específicas en función de sus políticas internas de sostenibilidad. GPG detalla más de 200 prácticas sostenibles de aplicación por los distintos departamentos de la producción. El cumplimiento de esta guía facilita la certificación EMA (Costes de validación 1000$ aprox.)

Green film

Esta iniciativa, liderada por Torino Film Lab y Trentino Film Commission, tiene todos los visos de convertirse en el estándar de referencia en Europa. Green Film proporciona un sistema de clasificación de 20 puntos, que deben ser aplicados por los distintos departamentos de la producción. Facilita la validación con Bureau Veritas (Costes de validación 1000€ aprox.)


Se trata del estándar más utilizado por las cadenas de televisión. Proporciona criterios que aseguran la menor huella de carbón de la producción y un comportamiento sostenible por parte de los departamentos. El proceso de validación está gestionado directamente por las cadenas de televisión.

Secuoya Fundación sustainable management seal

The standard makes it possible to obtain a seal generated through a system of points according to the application that the audiovisual production makes of the sustainable criteria that apply to it.

We are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations 2030 Agenda, adopting a policy that includes responsible practices and the development of initiatives that contribute to sustainable development. The goal of sustainable production is to avoid, reduce and mitigate all significant environmental impacts through the application of sustainable practices.

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