Secuoya Content
Group participated,
for the second consecutive year, in Content
Americas, held from 23 to 25 January in Miami. During this meet for
the US market, where content producers and distributors establish agreements
and connections with the market’s biggest buyers, there are also panels and
conferences with leading names in the industry from both sides of the Atlantic.
Last Wednesday, 24 January, Raúl
Berdonés, the company’s executive chairman, shared a keynote session
with Pierluigi Gazzolo, CEO of Vix,
the world’s biggest Spanish-language platform, in which they spoke, among other
issues, about the sector’s short and medium-term opportunities, as well as its
major challenges and the key role of strategic alliances for the future success
of content in Spanish.
Berdonés the key lies in building a “silver bridge” which strengthens the links between the
Spanish-speaking and US markets. “It
is essential we can unite talent, financing and resources. This has to be a
public and private bridge, which covers the issue of investment funds, creating
a legislative employment framework, so that the talent here can go there and
vice versa”, asserted the chairman of Secuoya Content Group.
“The day we can make
this truly function and flow, we’ll be on a level with Hollywood. This is a
crucial challenge which we must rise to and for the success of which we all
have to contribute our grain of sand,” Berdonés stressed.
The company chairman also advocated the
development of high-quality sustainable
content. “Let’s make increasingly
sustainable content, and here we are certainly going to overtake the US. The
market is once again shrinking towards the US and what we can do to balance out
that investment and ensure it falls to other countries is work towards greater
sustainability. The United States is a long way from making 100% sustainable
productions, and that’s where the challenge lies for us to mark the difference,
because the same platforms are going to need that sustainable content,” the
chairman added.