
Raúl Berdonés inaugurates the First Forum of Madrid Audiovisual Cluster

“We are working with the common goal of fostering innovation and competitiveness, bringing together existing companies, promoting initiatives and boosting positioning”

Raúl Berdonés, CEO of Secuoya Content Group and current president of the Madrid Audiovisual Cluster, inaugurated the First Madrid Audiovisual Investment Forum, held at the CaixaBank All in One space in the capital. The event, organised in collaboration with Caixa Bank and Crea SGR, explored the keys to private equity in the industry, public financing models and new investment formulas, among other topics.

Berdonés shared the stage with Juan Antonio Peña, Director of Institutions Madrid at CaixaBank; Gonzalo Cabrera, Director General of Culture and Creative Industries of the Community of Madrid; and Inmaculada Sánchez-Valdés, General Coordinator of the Mayor’s Office of Madrid City Council, in an opening ceremony that welcomed the participants to a day that offered a vision of the future of the industry.

We are working with the common goal of fostering innovation and competitiveness in the sector, bringing together existing companies, promoting new initiatives and boosting positioning on the international audiovisual agenda“, said Berdonés.

The morning began with the forum Investment and growth: The keys to private equity in the audiovisual sector, followed by an analysis of public financing models, a meeting after which those present had the opportunity to meet and talk about the audiovisual financing platform SEGO Creative. New financing formulas in the industry also played a prominent role in the Innovation: New investment formulas panel.

The Audiovisual Cluster of Madrid brings together 90 entities belonging to the audiovisual and entertainment industry. Companies, institutions, associations, universities and schools united to promote the development of the sector in all its aspects. 

Secuoya Content Group
Secuoya Content Group